Introducing our customers...

ZF Passive Safety Czech

The robotic assembly line from Automa CZ has replaced demanding manual operations such as riveting lock heads, installing cables, or gluing caps. This achieved significant cost savings and increased the efficiency of the entire process.

ZF Passive Safety Czech is a long-standing and essential partner of Automa CZ in the field of automation of production operations. The company specializes in car safety systems and is committed to creating innovative solutions for passive occupant safety. Our cooperation allows us to implement challenging projects that change how vehicle manufacturing is perceived.

One such project was a robotic assembly line for assembling seat belt locks.

  • On the original line, 8 operators working in a three-shift operation were needed for manual assembly and assembly of locks.


This process included riveting the lock heads (1 operator), cable assembly (3 operators), cap assembly (1 operator), 2D code label bonding (1 operator), felt bonding (1 operator), and final pack inspection (1 operator).

The complexity and length of this process have led to high costs and limited capacity.

Thanks to a fully automated assembly line, we have successfully replaced manual operations of assembling caps and cables with robots. The result was a reduction in production costs and the freeing up of staff for more demanding and skilled tasks. This sophisticated and modern automation is a prime example of achieving efficiency and competitiveness in practice.

Spolupráce se ZF Passive Safety Czech je jasným důkazem, že kvalitní partnerství, inovativní přístup a zaměření na nákladovou efektivitu mohou dramaticky proměnit způsob, jakým se vyrábí komponenty do automobilového průmyslu.